Tuesday, November 25, 2008

too much is just not enough

hello humans :)
i like to move it move it,
he likes to move it move it,
she likes to move it move it,
we like to move it :D


brought my cousin faith there. im such a good cousin (: won't you want me to be your cousin, i know you do. did a few chores in the morning, i woke up at the crack of dawn 9:45 that for me is early. went to my aunts house in the afternoon. belle is a proud elder sister. before going for her afternoon nap she told little baby jewel "belle jie jie go sleep first. jewel wait later jie jie come."
she is so cute (: i feel like a total proud cousin too :D
then my granduncle came to pick us up and we went to ou.
haha. i would say im back to dumb. our teather number was 2, but i just sub-conciously walked, or should i say, draged up the escalator. then i realized there is no arrows that point to cinema 2.
gosh, then my oh so smart brother was like, i think its downstairs lar. then we went down.
watch a bunch of trailers and made a note on my phone. the lady next to me was kind of freaked out, cause after every movie trailer i would say to my brother "IM SO WATCHING THIS MOVIE"
the "im so watching this movie" movies.
  • Ink Heart
  • Twilight
  • Bedtime Stories
  • Wild Child
  • Hotel for Dogs
  • Space Chimp
  • Alien vs. Monster

some of the movies may sound a little eeyerish, but i still wanna watch them :) after the movie went bowling with brandon and naomi. saw julian low there. apparently, that's faiths uncle. which means im related to him. gosh. i suck at bowling. i played with the two blocker thingy's up. but the bowling ball dosen't even touch the side stuff but i still keep losing to my 7 year old cousin. embarrasing? faith just drops the ball on the lane, and when she drops the ball, you can feel the whole alley shake. and she drops the ball like in the centre on the lane, she actually steps on the slippary surface. she's just so cute :D

after bowling just went back to my aunts house to chill. like literally chill. sitting in the air-cond room watching my cousin and brother play football. not much joy tough. chatted with my cousins, ready to do christmas shopping. anyone want to get me a present? bet not, i haven't been that nice :]

went over to my other granduncle's house to look at his dog. no offence to dog lovers (especially, peiming) i can't stand the smell of dog drool. after everything, went home for dinner. loved this day. i would say i spent my time productively. i watched a movie. movies are the most productive way to spend your time (:

thats about it.

im off, nights


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