Tuesday, November 27, 2007

i've been tagged :)

Ying Xi , tagged me : /

~~~RulesThe tag victim has to come up with 8 different points about his/her perfect lover.Have to mention the gender of his/her perfect lover.Tag eight other victims to join this game and leave a comment on their blog.If you are tagged the second time, there is NO need to do this again.Lastly, and most importantly, HAVE FUN DOING IT.

My perfect lover a HE...

1)he has to love me for who I am

2) kind, loving, remebers my birthday . hehe :)

3) understands how i feel , cheers me up when im down

4) says hi to me eventough it is the totally wrong time

5) shares some of the intrests I have

6) he must not be a smoker/heavy drinker or gambler

7) he should never be too rude

8) he must not have too bad grades. also must be good in english . not a malay / indian

erm, hope my expectations are not too high :\

NEXT VICTIMS: anyone and everyone who reads this

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